Starcross and Cockwood Works About to Begin

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency will next week hold a public drop-in session on the upcoming Starcross and Cockwood tidal defense scheme.

The meeting – taking place before the start of the work – is scheduled for 18 December 2017, from 3pm to 7pm, at the Anchor Inn in Cockwood.

The EA has already had an initial drop in session with the landowners/businesses/residents who are directly affected by the works.

The Starcross and Cockwood project is aimed to reduce tidal flood risk to over 600 properties in the area. The scheme was accelerated as part of the March 2015 Budget announcement regarding England’s 6-year flood defense program and was identified as one of the priority schemes detailed in the Exe Estuary Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy (EEFCRMS).

Last year, the Environment Agency gained funding approval for the project. With the designs for the scheme finalized and successfully moved through the planning phases, the project was given planning consent in September 2017.