Magnor excavating the final section of the Fehmarnbelt (PHOTO)


The Magnor, one of the world’s largest floating excavators, is currently working on excavating the last of the tunnel run out of the tunnel portal.

Photo courtesy of Femern A/S

This is where the first 217-meter-long tunnel element for the Fehmarnbelt link will be connected in 2024.

The Magnor which is 72 meters long and 20.5m wide can easily hold a 20-foot container in its shovel and lift 67 tons of material in a single scoop.

The material is put on large, motorized barges, after which it is sailed in to the coast and recycled in the landing at Rødbyhavn.

Photo courtesy of Femern A/S

The Fehmarnbelt link, is being built as an immersed tunnel between Rødbyhavn on Lolland, Denmark, and the German island of Fehmarn. When completed, the project will remove a bottleneck, reduce travel time and strengthen links between Scandinavia and Central Europe.