USA: EIR Released for Pier Replacement at San Diego Bay

A draft environmental document for a pier replacement project at a San Diego Bay ship repair facility is ready for public review and comment.

The draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed replacement of Pier 4 at BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair facility located at 2205 E. Belt Street, San Diego is available for 45-day public review period, beginning yesterday, Monday, May 7 through Wednesday, June 20, 2012.

The proposed project includes the following activities at the BAE Systems facility:

– Demolition of Piers 4 and 5

– Removal of five mooring dolphins (structures built in the water for vessels to tie to for stability at berth)

– Construction of new bulkhead sections (a shoreline wall dividing the land and the water)

– Relocation of shoreline infrastructure

– Dredging

– Construction of a new Pier 4, and

– Construction of a new mooring dolphin.

The project will replace and modernize deteriorated facilities and help to service commercial and Navy vessels.

BAE Systems is the applicant for the project and the Port of San Diego will be the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act for the Environmental Impact Report.


Dredging Today Staff, May 8, 2012;