Corps Begins Temporary Levee Construction in Fargo (USA)

Business & Finance

Corps Begins Temporary Levee Construction in Fargo

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, will begin constructing temporary emergency levees on 2nd Street in Fargo, N.D., on April 26.

The plan is to begin on the north side of 2nd Street near 5th Ave. North and work south along the river. The Corps estimates it will take approximately 28,000 cubic yards of dirt to complete this temporary levee to an elevation of 42 feet. The construction should be completed in approximately three days. The Corps is working closely with city of Fargo officials to reduce congestion around the area during construction.

While there are inherent risks associated with all levee systems, emergency levees constructed during a flood fight are not engineered structures and are intended to be temporary.

Under Public Law 84-99, the Corps of Engineers may provide assistance to communities to save human life, prevent immediate human suffering or mitigate public property damage. An imminent threat of unusual flooding must exist and a state must request Corps’ assistance.


Press Release, April 29, 2013