ML Dredging to Begin Gosport Marina Scheme

Business & Finance
Photo courtesy of ML Dredging

ML Dredging Ltd is about to begin a routine maintenance dredging operations within the Port Solent Approaches and Gosport Marina, informs the Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth.

The project, expected to start February 25, 2019, will also include removal of the sediment from the Endeavour Quay.

According to the Harbour Master, the vessels conducting this task will be either “Witton II” or “Boxer” backhoe dredgers.

Spoil from the dredging vessels will be loaded into one of the company’s self-propelled barges, the 300 cubic meter “Split Two” or “Split Three” for disposal to the NAB Spoil Ground.

ML Dredging has been trusted with the maintenance dredging of this large marina for over 20 years. This year’s project will be conducted over several phases completing by 28 April 2019.