Royal HaskoningDHV, TU Delft extend partnership

Business development

Royal HaskoningDHV and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) have agreed to further strengthen their existing collaboration.

Royal HaskoningDHV

To this effect, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed last Thursday by Royal HaskoningDHV CEO, Erik Oostwegel, and Delft University of Technology President and Rector Magnificus, Tim van der Hagen.

Commenting the latest announcement, Erik Oostwegel said: “This unique partnership supports our strategic ambition to invest in innovation and co-creation to deal with global challenges like climate change, urbanization and resource scarcity.”

“As a company we can bring innovations and technologies developed by TU Delft to market, implementing them in our projects benefitting societies. It is by working together that we are able to make a real impact.”

The partnership is an extension of the previous one that resulted in the successful valorization of sustainable water technologies.

The new partnership will focus on collaboration in:

  • Research, including artificial intelligence (AI), and educating tomorrow’s (digital) engineers,
  • Institutes and field labs for prototyping and testing, like Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions and The Green Village, etc.