Old Town Camber dredging campaign on the way

Operations & Maintenance

The King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth and Portsmouth International Port Harbour Master announced yesterday that in the next couple of weeks routine maintenance dredging will be conducted by ML (UK) Dredging Ltd in the Old Town Camber Portsmouth.

Ben McInnes / Harbour Master (Portsmouth)

As reported, the Camber dredging campaign is set to begin from the 23 February 2023 with completion expected by late March 2023.

“The works will be conducted 24 hours a day. During the works the Camber will be officially closed to visiting and resident vessels, save for Wightlink operational linkspan (Berth 1),” the authorities said.

They also added that backhoe dredger “Witton III” will be used to complete the project. Spoil from the dredging vessels is to be loaded into the self-propelled barge, “Split Two” for disposal to the NAB Spoil Ground.