Greece: EUR10M deal signed for Port of Stylida dredging

Business development

An agreement of more than EUR24 million for the implementation of critical port infrastructure projects in the Ports of Souda and Stylida was signed last week between the Minister of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy, Christos Stylianidis, and the mandated advisor of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), Panagiotis Stampoulidis.

courtesy of Christos Stylianides facebook

The projects are co-financed by the Recovery and Resilience Fund and include:

  • Construction of a new passenger station at the port of Souda – Intermediate phase,
  • Dredging of channel and port basin in the port of Stylida,
  • Plan to replace the passenger shipping fleet and reduce the CO2 footprint.

The Stylida project concerns the dredging operations in the port basin and the navigation channel of the Port of Stylida Fthiotida.

The total budget amounts to EUR10 Million (including VAT) and according to the implementation horizon, it is expected to be completed by the fourth quarter of 2025.