Field studies continue for Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project

Business development

It’s been a busy start to the year, as the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority continues to advance the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project.

Photo courtesy of the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

A key focus for us this year is the work on the Species at Risk Act-compliant Fisheries Act Authorization application.

This application will be submitted to Fisheries and Oceans Canada and will include further details on port authority’s mitigation measures and habitat offsetting plan, building on the federal and provincial environmental assessment approvals that the project received in 2023.

Since 2011, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority has been conducting field studies at Roberts Bank and the surrounding areas as part of ongoing environmental and technical work for the project.

Along with ongoing consultation and collaboration with First Nations, regulators, and stakeholders, these studies refine the mitigation measures, inform about environmental management plans, and shape the follow-up program elements.

Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project is a proposed new three-berth marine container terminal located at Roberts Bank in Delta, British Columbia.

The main components of the proposed project are:

  • A new three-berth marine container terminal;
  • A widened causeway to the mainland to accommodate additional road and rail infrastructure;
  • An expanded tug basin to accommodate a second tug operations contractor.