IADC celebrates 50th anniversary of TERRA ET AQUA

This year marks 50 years of Terra et Aqua. To mark this milestone, IADC is celebrating with a special edition.


Yesterday evening, 16 May, the jubilee issue was unveiled at the start of the WODCONXXIII in Copenhagen, Denmark.

“We are extremely proud that we have been able to publish this academic/scientific journal every quarter for 50 years,” commented Rene Kolman, Secretary General of IADC. “This shows that there is still a need for a journal such as Terra et Aqua. Published continuously since 1972, Terra et Aqua has benchmarked innovative solutions and provided dredging professionals, engineers and project managers with the most important industry information.”

Terra et Aqua is a quarterly journal, published both in print and online, that aims to disseminate knowledge accrued by global dredging professionals as well as solutions to issues facing the industry. The journal represents IADC’s commitment to the highest standards of professional conduct in the dredging industry.

Articles investigate and explain the latest innovations and developments relevant to professionals immersed in the dredging industry and its related sectors.

To download your free copy, click here: https://bit.ly/50YearTerraEtAqua.