EPA Announces Expo and Public Meeting on Marshall, Michigan Oil Spill (USA)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5, joined by its government partners for the Enbridge oil spill response, will hold an expo and public meeting Nov. 8 in Battle Creek, Mich., to update residents on the status of the cleanup and the long-term role of EPA.

EPA is the federal On-Scene Coordinator for this incident. EPA will outline response activities that have been completed along with areas where operation and maintenance will continue for the foreseeable future. Presentations by EPA and its government partners will begin at 7 p.m.

At the expo, beginning at 6:30 p.m., members of the public will have a chance to look at equipment and talk with individual agencies involved in the oil spill cleanup.

EPA displays will include air monitoring equipment and data, dredging and other interactive computerized maps, photos showing the cleanup progression, and boom and pad displays, as well as a multi-media presentation on the cleanup.


Source: epa, November 4, 2010