Corps: Federal Permits Are Still Required for Most Wisconsin Wetlands (USA)

Federal Permits Are Still Required for Most Wisconsin Wetlands

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, reminds the public that changes to the State of Wisconsin wetland laws have no effect on federal laws regulating work in waters and wetlands.

There is still a federal requirement to obtain authorization from the Corps for discharges of dredged or fill materials into waters of the United States, which include most wetlands.

The Corps urges everyone to check with a local Corps office to see if a proposed construction project is located within a wetlands area.

Wetlands provide many important functions, benefits and values. One of the primary functions of a wetland is to store water and slowly release it over time. This reduces the effects of flooding. They also act as filters to retain sediments and nutrients, which results in healthier streams and lakes and, ultimately, clean drinking water. Wetlands also provide wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities, such as hunting, fishing and trapping.


Dredging Today Staff, March 5, 2012; Image: seagrant