USA: University to Boost Great Lakes Cleanup Research

The University of Michigan plans to support Great Lakes cleanup research project, reports Chron.

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which dates back to 2009, is the largest investment in the Great Lakes in two decades.

A task force of 11 federal agencies developed a plan to put the president’s historic initiative into action. This action plan covers fiscal years 2010 through 2014 and addresses five urgent focus areas:

– cleaning up toxics and areas of concern,

– combating invasive species,

– promoting nearshore health by protecting watersheds from polluted run-off,

– restoring wetlands and other habitats.

The question of whether this project will provide a long-term solution has led to hesitation about its realization.

Therefore, the University decided to offer scientific evidences to fill gaps in knowledge and provide a clearer picture of the project schedule and the cost status.

Dredging Today Staff, October 30,  2012