USA: Officials Introduce Upper Newsome Creek Restoration Plan

Business & Finance

Officials Introduce Upper Newsome Creek Restoration Plan

Department of Agriculture has introduced a plan for the Upper Newsome Creek Floodplain Restoration Project.

This project involves floodplain restoration on approximately 9 acres adjacent to Upper Newsome Creek and reconstruction of Haysfork Sediment Pond.

The activities will mitigate the environmental impacts of past dredge and placer mining. The work includes the regrading floodplain along with associated dredge pile relocation, earthwork and revegetation.

Work at the sediment pond includes removal of existing features and construction of a new spillway.

Revegetation of the disturbed sites will consist of erosion control seeding and on-site transplants only.

A contractor will be required to provide a qualified stream restoration specialist to represent them and supervise during the following construction activities:

1) equipment operation required for site access (setting temporary bridges at stream crossings),

2) equipment operation within the active channel or on stream banks,

3) floodplain construction quality control (Government estimates 2 days per week) and

4) sediment pond spillway construction.

The project is located on the Red River Ranger District, Nez Perce Clearwater National Forests, Idaho County, Idaho.

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Source:, February 25, 2013