Corps to Solicit DMDF Perimeter Dike Maintenance (USA)

Corps to Solicit DMDF Perimeter Dike Maintenance

The US Army Corps of Engineer, Detroit District, intends to solicit for the maintenance of the Saginaw Dredged Material Disposal Facility (DMDF) Perimeter Dikes.

All work will be performed at the Saginaw Upper DMDF. The contract work includes a Base Bid with three options.

– The Base Bid consists of the maintenance of approximately 3,900 lineal feet of perimeter dike.

– Option 1 consists of 500 feet of maintenance on the perimeter dike of the DMDF. Both the Base and Option 1 will be performed by placing a well graded rip rap (similar to R90) along the interior slope and toe of the dike to protect the areas from erosion. Approximately one ton of rip rap will be used per linear foot of dike. The actual amount of rip-rap required will vary by location.

– Option 2 consists of approximately 3,400 lineal feet maintenance of the perimeter dike road using Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) 23A gravel.

– Option 3 consists of approximately 3,900 lineal feet maintenance to the perimeter road using MDOT 23A gravel.

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Source:, March 27, 2013; Image: saginawriverimages