Important Milestone for Koopmanspolder

Business & Finance

The Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment, Melanie Schultz van Haegen, has recently visited the Koopmanspolder in Andijk.

The Minister turned on the low-energy water link between the IJsselmeer and the Koopmanspolder, which consists of a windmill and a fish-friendly outlet through which water and fish poured from the IJsselmeer into the polder.

The polder was restructured in 2012 as a nature area and a testing ground for water management. Over the next three years, experiments will be conducted with water-level management to determine the impact on the safety of the dike and the land behind it, water quantities, water quality, nature and the living environment. Deltares will play a central role in monitoring and evaluation.

The Koopmanspolder is the first-ever application of the ‘inland shore’ concept, which was co-developed by Deltares. An inland shore is an area to the landside of a dike that is linked to the main water system and where there is room for additional water storage using changes in water level and reservoir formation.

The Koopmanspolder is a joint project of the Provincial Authority of North Holland, the Hollands Noorderkwartier water authority, Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares and the municipal authority of Medemblik.

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Press Release