Report on Los Angeles River Scheme Released

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, in conjunction with the City of Los Angeles, released the Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration Study final Integrated Feasibility Report for state and agency review.

This report includes a Final Feasibility Study (FS) and Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for the Restoration Study, Los Angeles County, CA, for public review and comment.

The study evaluates alternatives for the purpose of restoring 11 miles of the Los Angeles River from approximately Griffith Park to downtown Los Angeles while maintaining existing levels of flood risk management.

Restoration measures include creation and re-establishment of historic riparian and freshwater marsh habitat to support increased populations of wildlife and enhance habitat connectivity within the study area, as well as to provide opportunities for regional connectivity to the ecological zones.

Restoration also includes the re-introduction of ecological and fluvial processes through a more natural hydrologic regime, which reconnects the river to historic floodplains and tributaries, reduces flow velocities, increases infiltration, and improves natural sediment processes.

The comment period will officially run through November 2.