New Investments in Mon and Brec

Business & Finance

The Canal and River Trust will spend over £2 million on improvements to the Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal by the end of winter.

The investment includes a £1.3 million project starting this week to reline the canal at Llangynidr, to prevent leaks, plus £400,000 of upcoming repairs to an aqueduct at Goytre Wharf.

Nick Worthington, waterway manager at Glandŵr Cymru, the Canal and River Trust in Wales, said: “The Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal is one of the real gems of the UK’s canal system, but it’s not an easy one to take care of. It requires constant maintenance to keep it running smoothly, a job made all the more challenging when it’s built half way up a hill.”

“One thing that’s certain is the huge value the canal brings to the local area, both to people working on and around the waterway, and to the visitors who flock to it each year.”

Around £546,000 has already been spent this year for the canal dredging scheme, making it easier for boaters to navigate.

These works form part of the Canal and River Trust’s winter maintenance program.

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