Washington DOE Environmental Restoration Grants

Business & Finance

The Washington State Department of Ecology is awarding nearly $450,000 to fund 14 different projects related to the water quality improvement and environmental enhancement projects across the state.

According to WDOE, six projects are located in eastern Washington, five in western Washington and another three are considered to be of statewide significance that will significantly improve the natural environment in multiple watersheds.

During the current fiscal year – July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018 – the grants will pay for a variety of water quality improvement projects that will restore critical streams, floodplains, wetlands, etc.

The grants are funded through Ecology’s Terry Husseman Account designed to help local governments, conservation and port districts, tribal governments, fisheries enhancement groups, and other state agencies pay for a variety of environmental projects.

The Terry Husseman Account is funded by payments from penalties the department issues for violations of the state Water Pollution Control Act. The account is named after long-time Ecology deputy director Terry Husseman who died in 1998 and honors contributions in the field of environmental management.