Photo of the Day: Suez Canal Dredging in 1970s

Business & Finance
Image source: IADC

The International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) has just released a couple of very interesting photos from the ‘Widening and Deepening of the Suez Canal in the 1970s’ project. 

Image source: IADC

The first modern initiatives to improve the Suez Canal occurred in the 1950s.

These improvements were followed by the largest widening and deepening works from 1975 to 1980 when a huge dredging fleet of 12 cutter suction dredgers dug out 225 million m³ for the 63 kilometers between Lake Timsah and the Great Bitter Lake.

The third intervention occurred from 1992 to 1994 when, as part of a plan to handle fully loaded tankers, the canal was widened by 45 meters and the channel deepened to -25 meters.

During this phase, some 17 million m³ of bedrock material – 5 times harder than normal concrete – were dredged.

Image source: IADC