California Representatives Urge Funding for Los Angeles River Restoration

Business & Finance

California Representatives Adam Schiff, Lucille Roybal-Allard and Jimmy Gomez were joined yesterday by 12 colleagues from the Los Angeles area in sending a letter urging the House Appropriations Committee to provide strong funding for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Fiscal Year 2020.

Image source: City of Los Angeles

These funds, including $130 million for preconstruction investigations and $2.6 billion for construction, will help Congress support the Corps’ important ongoing civil works projects across the nation, including the Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration Project, which will revitalize more than 700 acres of open space along a broad stretch of the Los Angeles River from Griffith Park to downtown Los Angeles.

“For years, the City of Los Angeles has worked with the Army Corps of Engineers to plan the Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration Project, which will restore the LA River to its original and natural beauty,” said Schiff“I remain committed to ensuring this important work receives adequate federal funding to give residents across the region access to much-needed green space.”

“I will not stand by as the president’s budget attacks Army Corps of Engineers funding accounts that will help us restore the LA River,” added Congresswoman Roybal-Allard. “I will continue fighting for robust federal funding for the Army Corps, so we can support much-needed investments in LA River revitalization and similar aquatic ecosystem restoration projects around the country.”

In addition to Schiff, Roybal-Allard and Gomez, the letter was signed by Reps. Nanette Diaz Barragán, Karen Bass, Julia Brownley, Tony Cárdenas, Judy Chu, Gil Cisneros, Katie Hill, Ted Lieu, Alan Lowenthal, Linda Sánchez, Brad Sherman and Maxine Waters.