Bacton to Walcott Sandscaping Scheme VIDEO

Celebrating the success of the UK’s first ever sandscaping project, Royal HaskoningDHV today released a video about the Bacton to Walcott Coastal Management scheme.

North Norfolk District Council

Carried out by Van Oord and Royal Haskoning DHV on behalf of the client-North Norfolk District Council, this is the first sandscaping project in the UK and outside of the Netherlands.

The project, designed by Royal Haskoning DHV, is an export product based on the Dutch Sand Motor.

During the spring and summer of 2019, Van Oord delivered the scheme working 24 hours a day. For the project, the contractor deployed one of its largest trailing suction hopper dredgers, the HAM 318.

Ham 318 collected the sand offshore from Great Yarmouth, transporting it to the Bacton beach. In just six weeks, Van Oord delivered 1.8 million cubic meters of sand for this project.

There, the contractor positioned the sand using bulldozers with GPS, replenishing nearly four miles (6km) of coastline with new sand.

View on Youtube.