Watermaster proves success in Kenya


Residents of Cheptiret/Kipchamo, Kesses Sub-County in Kenya, are set to have a steady supply of water as the desilting of Kerita dam nears completion.

County Government of Uasin Gishu

Once wrapped up, the dam has the potential of serving approximately 24,000 households for domestic and irrigation purposes.

The water will be connected to serve the downstream community through gravity and pumped upstream using solar power.

County Government of Uasin Gishu photo

In Africa, many dams, reservoirs, lakes and rivers have lost water capacity due to siltation, excess sludge and vegetation. These are the places where Watermaster technology makes significant impacts with its multipurpose applications, capacity, and ability to work in difficult surroundings.

With its large selection of quickly changeable attachments, the versatile Watermaster can, for example, remove excess siltation and sludge by dredging and clear trash and vegetation by raking.

County Government of Uasin Gishu photo

One machine with many functions saves the environment, costs, time and manpower, and most of all contributes positively towards water security in the African continent.