ML Dredging about to complete Gosport Marina works

Operations & Maintenance

ML (UK) Dredging Ltd is about to complete routine maintenance dredging at Gosport Marina, informs the Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth.

Gosport Marina

The dredging project, which commenced back in September 2020, is expected to last until approximately mid-January 2021.

For the project, ML Dredging is using their backhoe dredger, the “Witton II”. Barge “Split Three” is taking the dredged material for disposal to the Nab Tower disposal site.

The aim of the project is to remove around 25,000m3 of silt and mud. This will ensure deep water draft sailing and fully navigable waters continue within the marina for the berth holders.

Once complete, the new depths will benefit both marina and their customers over a significant area of the marina.