San Diego dredging project up for comment

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District has received an application for the Army permit for the proposed dredging works at the BAE Systems, Inc. San Diego yard.

BAE Systems

The proposed project includes dredging of approximately 35,100 cubic yards of sediment material to extend the Pride of San Diego Dry Dock sump to the north with ocean and upland disposal.

Extending the sump to the north will eliminate or reduce the need to relocate any vessel moored at the nearby Pier 3 North during the POSD Dry Dock docking and undocking activities.

According to the Corps, dredging at the POSD Dry Dock would not exceed a depth of -70 feet mean lower low water, plus 2 feet of overdredge allowance (1 foot paid and 1 foot unpaid), consistent with depths currently present in the rest of the POSD Dry Dock sump.

USACE also added that dredged material ocean disposal has been approved in a Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAPr) as suitable for ocean disposal by the Corps, EPA, USFWS, and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board – San Diego Region with up to 30,800 cy deemed suitable for ocean disposal and proposed to be transported to LA-5 ODMDS with up to 4,300 cy deemed unsuitable for ocean disposal and to be taken to an upland source.

During the dredging, two floating silt curtains will be maintained around the proposed action site to minimize turbidity outside the dredging area. The double silt curtain will encircle the entire dredge area and dredge swing radius and will be maintained by the contractor through the duration of dredging to minimize gaps and dislocations.

The deadline for sending comments on the proposed work is March 18, 2021.