IADC explores the progress of health and safety in the dredging industry


In the jubilee issue of the scientific journal Terra et Aqua, International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) published an article exploring the progress of health and safety in the dredging industry over the past decades.


It is hard to imagine a time when safety was not deemed important, when Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was not used and little was done in the way of prevention.

A few decades ago, occupational health and safety was not considered as important for the vast majority of companies.

Instead, incidents and emergencies were handled as they occurred, as effectively as possible given the limited technology and resources available.

Today, those times have changed. The IADC article explores the progress of health and safety in the dredging industry and QHSSE professionals. In the article Ton van de Minkelis and Christophe Leroy shared their experiences in building a proactive safety culture.

Read the article “Building a proactive safety culture within a marine contractor organisation