Jenkins Marine returns to Dover to complete Wellington Dock works

Operations & Maintenance

Jenkins Marine Ltd has returned to Dover with its dredge CH Horn to complete work started there last Summer.

Photo courtesy of Jenkins Marine

The Port of Dover is currently undergoing development as part of its Western Docks Revival project and Jenkins Marine were tasked with dredging roughly 20,000m3 of silts from the existing Wellington Dock Marina. The company was also commissioned to carry out dredging in the newly opened Dover Marina.

The Wellington Dock marina had not been dredged for several years before Jenkins started in 2022, and the dredging will restore previous depths for marina users.

The marina is one of the best-known marinas on the South Coast. It is incredibly convenient for cross-Channel sailing and there is no marina closer to France with just 20 miles separating the cliffs of England and France.

The work, which commenced in early July 2022, is expected to be completed in the next few weeks.