DEME Group sees strong year ahead

Business & Finance

DEME Group today presented the half-year results 2023, demonstrating strong and consistent performance of the company’s business operations.

Photo courtesy of DEME

According to DEME, the first half was characterised by solid growth of the orderbook, revenue and EBITDA, despite having several large-scale projects in the Offshore Energy segment in start-up phase.

Turnover grew from 1.3 billion euro in the first half of 2022 to almost 1.5 billion euro in the first half of 2023. Revenue in the Dredging & Infra segment decreased slightly (-4%), while revenue in the Offshore Energy and Environmental segments saw significant increases of 40% and 58% respectively.

The orderbook grew to nearly 7.7 billion euro, driven by new projects in all contracting segments, with each one reaching a record level.

The Dredging & Infra orderbook increased 27% compared to a year ago. The segment executed work on a container terminal in Colombo (Sri Lanka), a port expansion in Italy, a capital dredging project in Mexico and began work on the next phase of a project in Nigeria.

In addition to maintenance contracts across Europe, work on terminals are ongoing in Gdansk (Poland) and Stade (Germany) as well as a capital dredging project in Egypt.

The segment also continued work on large infra flagship projects in Europe including the first phase of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link project (Denmark), Port-La Nouvelle in France, the Blankenburg project and the New Lock Terneuzen in the Netherlands, and the Oosterweel Link project in Belgium.

For the full half year results statement, visit DEME Group website.