Abu Dhabi: Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure begins

Business development

The Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure course in Abu Dhabi, hosted by CEDA and IADC with the support of NMDC, is about to begin.

IADC photo

During the course, participants will learn how to implement the sustainability principles into dredging project practice, through answers to the following questions:

  • What is the role of dredging in the global drive towards more sustainable development?
  • How can water infrastructure be designed and implemented in a more sustainable and resilient way while aligning with the natural and socio-economic systems?
  • How can the potential positive effects of infrastructure development be assessed and stimulated as well as compared with potential negative effects?
  • What equipment and which sediment management options are available today?
  • A brief introduction to the question “What knowledge and tools are available to make sound choices and control the project?”

Also, participants will learn how to achieve dredging projects that fulfil primary functional requirements while adding value to the natural and socio-economic systems by acquiring an understanding of these systems in the context of dredging as well as stakeholder engagement throughout a project’s development.