Millport flood protection scheme hitting halfway mark

Coastal Protection

In Millport, on the Scottish island Great Cumbrae, the coastal and flood protection is taking shape through both onshore and offshore activities over the 2km long seafront.

Photo courtesy of Van Oord

North Ayrshire Council, the developer of the Millport coastal flood protection scheme, contracted Van Oord in January 2023.

Van Oord and its subsidiary Mackley are collaborating on this project and have hit the halfway mark on the £48 million flood protection in Millport.

The offshore works involve the strategic installation of rock breakwaters, while the onshore works of the project focus on constructing and replacing flood walls and revetments.

The breakwaters play a crucial role in mitigating the intensity of waves and the flood walls serve as protective barriers shielding properties and land from waves and tides.

Work will continue in the coming months and is expected to be completed by summer 2024.