DEME: Fehmarnbelt tunnel program hits major milestone

Business development

DEME Group said that the Fehmarnbelt tunnel project, one of Europe’s largest infrastructure projects, has achieved a significant milestone with the casting of the first tunnel element in Rødbyhavn, Denmark.

photo courtesy of DEME

This 217m long element is the first of a total of 79 standard elements.

According to DEME, ten additional special elements will also be constructed to accommodate technical installations.

The casting process will be continuously optimized as production progresses, with the second complete element expected by mid-May.

Meanwhile, on the Lolland side of the construction site, excavation of the portal and trench for the first element’s immersion is underway,” said DEME.

Upon completion, the 18 km Fehmarnbelt tunnel will be the world’s longest immersed tunnel, significantly reducing travel time between Denmark and Germany.