Agreement for the deepening of the JBJ Waterway signed


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District has entered into a feasibility cost sharing agreement with Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) and the Red River Waterway Commission (RRWC) to study the deepening of the J. Bennett Johnston (JBJ) Waterway to accommodate vessels with a 12-foot draft.

Photo courtesy of USACE

The JBJ Waterway serves as a vital conduit for affordable transportation, driving economic prosperity in the region. Connecting water routes currently maintain a depth of 12 feet.

An increase in the channel depth from 9 feet to an authorized 12 feet would significantly enhance cargo capacity on barges.

Over the past 30 years, the Corps has invested nearly $2 billion in the J. Bennett Johnston Waterway, constructing five locks and dams and dredging a 9-foot deep, 200-foot wide navigation channel.