USA: Questa Cleanup Projects to Begin Soon

According to The Taos News, Chevron Mining and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have agreed on several actions to begin addressing contamination in and and tailing facility.

According to information from the EPA, those actions include:

• Removal and off-site treatment and disposal of PCB-contaminated soil from the Mill Area.

• Piping of unused irrigation water in the Eastern Diversion Channel to prevent infiltration through buried tailings in the Tailing Facility Area.

• Removal of tailing spill deposits along the Red River riparian area, including a large tailing pile at the Lower Dump Sump and on-site disposal of the excavated material at the Tailing Facility area.

• Installation of inlet storm water controls at Eagle Rock Lake, removal of Eagle Rock Lake sediment and on-site disposal of the excavated material.

These actions are the first of many components of the remedy selected for this site,” an EPA announcement states. “These actions will address the risk from exposure to PCB-contaminated soil, the risk to wildlife along the Red River and risk for consumption of fish in Eagle Rock Lake.”


Dredging Today Staff, May 1, 2012;