USA: Army Corps Seeks Public Input on Chippewa River Bank Stabilization Project

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is proposing to stabilize and protect the banks along the banks of the Chippewa River Diversion approach channel.

For the east bank, about 900 linear feet of the bank would be re-shaped and lined with rock. Excess material (likely soil, sand, gravel) will be stockpiled nearby and made available to the public and other entities. For the west bank, some additional rock would be added to an area already lined with riprap.

This work would involve the operation of heavy equipment, including backhoes, trucks and dozers. The work is anticipated to require about 10 working days and would occur during the fall or winter months of 2012, depending on hydrological conditions and available funds and resources.

The Chippewa River Diversion is a gated structure controlling downstream flows for flooding purposes near the city of Watson, Minn. (Chippewa County). The approach channel has experienced substantial bank erosion caused by high flows and ice, usually during early spring. Without stabilization measures, high flows would continue to eat away at the banks, potentially leading to failure of the diversion structure.


Dredging Today Staff, June 13, 2012;