EPA Completes Review of Gallup’s Quarry Superfund Site (USA)

Business & Finance

EPA Completes Review of Gallup’s Quarry Superfund Site

EPA has completed its third Five-Year Review Report on the remedy implemented at the Gallup’s Quarry Superfund Site, located in Plainfield, Conn.

EPA’s review concluded that while the remedy at Gallup’s Quarry is protective for pathways of exposure to contaminants, changes in Federal and State cleanup standards require the Long Term Monitoring Plan to be amended to include groundwater sampling for 1,4-dioxane and arsenic to be monitored for in the short term.

It needs to be determined whether these two contaminants should be included to the list of Contaminants of Concern identified in the Record of Decision, EPA’s decision document in selecting a cleanup remedy at a Superfund Site.


Press Release, October 18, 2012