USA: Senator Emphasizes Need for Corps Reforms in Next WRDA

Business & Finance

Senator Emphasizes Need for Corps Reforms in Next WRDA

U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) emphasized the need to include reforms to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the next Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).

Sens. Vitter and Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) along with all Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee wrote to Chairman Barbara Boxer expressing their desire to work in a bipartisan manner, which would include making reforms to the Corps of Engineers. Boxer is holding a WRDA hearing today.

“The Water Resources and Development Act is long-awaited and much needed, and steps to move forward are appreciated,” Vitter said. “However, a successful bill needs to include bipartisan concerns. In particular, the Army Corps of Engineers needs to be held accountable for the construction and operation of our waterways, dams, locks, and levees that protect people from disasters like Hurricanes Isaac and Sandy.


Press Release, November 15, 2012