USA: ERRA to Introduce Goshen Dam Pond Dredging Plan

The Elkhart River Restoration Association (ERRA) is holding a public meeting to present information and receive input on a dredging plan for the Goshen Dam Pond.

The meeting will take place January 29, 2013 at 6:30 P.M. at the Linway Cinema Coffee Shop, 514 West Lincoln Avenue, Goshen. All interested parties are encouraged to attend to hear John Richardson of Cardno JF New present the results of sediment mapping and give a look at dredging options and cost estimates. Possible funding sources will be explored. Participants should enter directly through the door marked 514 close to the Cinema EXIT door (between Sherwin-Williams and Linway Cinema) or through the Linway Cinema Lobby, the Coffee Shop entrance is on the left side of the lobby.

In 2012 ERRA applied for and received an Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Lake and River Enhancement (LARE) grant to develop a plan to dredge sediment from the Goshen Dam Pond. This public meeting will allow the incorporated not-for-profit organization to gather input from the community to further the development of a plan to restore the pond to original water depths within guidelines established by the IDNR. Dredging the pond will restore deeper water habitats for fish and recreation; allow the pond to function as a sediment trap, blocking the flow of sediment downstream of the dam; and help remove invasive purple loosestrife from the pond.


Press Release, January 16, 2013