USA: Fox River Dredging Resumes

Business & Finance

Fox River Dredging Resumes

Dredging has now resumed on the Lower Fox River for the 2013 season.

Dredging operations are currently taking place in the area near the Brown County Fairgrounds.

The Fox River Cleanup Project, designed to reduce risk to human health and the environment due to the presence of PCBs in Fox River sediment, is a multi-year cleanup effort that includes dredging, capping and covering.

The project officially started with dredging and processing on April 28, 2009.

The project has now topped 1,166,300 work hours without a lost time incident.

Progress during the 2012 dredging and processing season:

– Estimated volume of sediment dredged – 662,074 cubic yards;

– Estimated amount of processed sediment produced – 325,531 tons;

– Estimated amount of processed sediment hauled to landfill – 317,093 tons;

– Truckloads to landfill – 13,818;

– Amount of water treated and returned to the river – approximately 1.63 billion gallons.


Press Release, April 8, 2013