VIDEO: WRDA Moves Forward in Senate (USA)

Business & Finance

WRDA Moves Forward in Senate

U.S. Sen. David Vitter announced that the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) has moved forward in the U.S. Senate with positive momentum to reach final passage. A vote on final passage in the Senate is expected tomorrow.

“WRDA is one of the single most significant pieces of legislation for Louisiana that we’ll vote on this year,” Vitter said. “We have the opportunity to reform the Corps of Engineers, streamline and expedite flood protection projects, move closer to getting Morganza authorized, and improve our waterways and infrastructure all in one bill. This is a huge benefit to our state.

WRDA, S. 601, was unanimously approved by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in late March. Vitter is the top Republican on the Committee and the lead sponsor along with Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.).

WRDA provides critical flood protection for communities across the country and maintains the flow of commerce by improving and updating the nation’s water infrastructure. It also includes project acceleration provisions that ensure important water infrastructure projects are processed in an efficient manner. The legislation is estimated to create up to an estimated 500,000 new jobs.

Vitter also spoke in support of Sen. Mary Landrieu’s amendment to delay flood insurance rate increases.


Press Release, May 15, 2013