Jackson County Seeks Permit for Simmons Bayou Dredging (USA)

Jackson County Seeks Permit for Simmons Bayou Dredging

Jackson County Board of Supervisors has filed an application with the Department of Marine Resources requesting permission to conduct regulated activities under the provision of the Coastal Wetlands Protection Law Act, Title 49, Chapter 27, Mississippi Code of 1972.

The applicant is proposing to maintenance dredge an existing navigational channel within Simmons Bayou to a depth of 5 feet below Mean Low Water. Approximately 19,889 cubic yards of silt and sandy silt will be removed. The dredge material will be disposed of at a beneficial use site designated by the Department of Marine Resources or an approved upland disposal site if a suitable beneficial use site is unavailable. The applicant is also requesting a maintenance dredging agreement so that the area can be dredged as needed over the next 10 years. The project is located in Ocean Springs, Jackson County, MS.

In compliance with Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251, 1341), as amended by PL 95-217, the applicant will request certification from the Office of Pollution Control that the above mentioned activity will be in compliance with applicable provisions of Section 301 (33 U.S.C. 1311), Section 302 (33 U.S.C. 1312), Section 303 (U.S.C. 1313), Section 306 (U.S.C. 1316), and Section 307 (U.S.C. 1317) of the Act and appropriate requirements of the State Law.

Any person wishing to make comments or objections to the proposed regulated activity must submit those comments in writing to the Department of Marine Resources at 1141 Bayview Avenue, Biloxi, Mississippi 39530 and the Office of Pollution Control, Post Office Box 2261, Jackson, Mississippi 39225-2261 before 1:00 p.m. on the day August 1, 2013.


Press Release, July 12, 2013