USA: Delft Software Days in San Francisco Starts Next Month

Business & Finance

Delft Software Days in San Francisco Starts Next Month

Software users and developers who were unable to attend the Delft Software Days will have the opportunity to brush up their software skills and hear about the latest developments in December in San Francisco (11-17 December 2013).

Deltares is providing a wide-ranging program explaining the ins and outs of a range of software packages (such as Delft3D, Delft-FEWS, DELWAQ, SOBEK, iMOD, DAM and MPM). Most meetings, with the exception of training courses, are free of charge.

AGU Fall Meeting

The Software Days-USA will take place during the AGU Fall Meeting, the largest conference in the world in the field of geophysics. This is the meeting place where 20,000 scientists, policymakers, teachers and students meet to share pioneering research.

Over 40 Deltares staff have been involved in writing a range of papers for this conference and a number of people from Deltares will hold presentations.

Deltares will also be represented at the exhibition hall, where Deltares experts will also be available for discussion.

More info


Press Release, November 13, 2013