USACE to Hold WRRDA Listening Sessions

Business & Finance

USACE to Hold WRRDA Listening Sessions

The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has issued a notice stating that it will conduct a series of listening sessions by webinar for public input to inform the agency’s implementation of the Water Resources Reform & Development act of 2014 (WRRDA 14).

Each of the listening sessions will cover a different collection of the more important general program policy provisions of the WRRDA. These policy provisions have been categorized into general theme areas so that listening sessions can concentrate on two or more important theme areas or categories.

Session I (13 August) will focus on Deauthorization & Backlog Prevention and on Project Development & Delivery.

Session II (August 27) will focus on Alternative Financing and Credits.

Session III (September 10) will focus on Levee & Dam Safety and on Regulatory Issues.

Session IV (September 24) will focus on Non-Federal Implementation; Water Supply & Reservoir; and Navigation.

Members of the public can participate in the meetings by web connection or by telephone. In addition to presenting comments by public meeting webinar, the public may also make written suggestions or recommendation.


Press Release, July 31, 2014