Dredging – One of TR Capital Projects in 2015

Business & Finance

Greg Buckley, Two Rivers City Manager, in its latest Weekly Article said that the city’s capital budget is a blueprint for investments in city infrastructure and the major vehicles and equipment needed to provide services to the community.

Financing for these long-lived assets is funded in large part through the issuance of debt: 10-year borrowing for most projects and major equipment purchases, 20-year debt for some of the larger projects like bridges and public buildings.

To the extent possible, the city also pursues funding from federal and state grant programs to assist in funding capital projects.

Capital projects planned for 2015 include:

Harbor Dredging: A WisDOT Harbor Assistance Program (HAP) grant for $878,868 will fund 80 percent of the estimated $1.1 million cost to remove about 22,000 CY of sediments from the outer harbor, between the piers,

Harbor Park Seawall/Docking/Water Main Project: The City is in the “home stretch” of securing funding for this $3.3 million project, located just upriver from the Coast Guard station,

Lakeshore Park area improvements, and more…