Algerian Dredger ‘Rezoug Youcef’ Revitalized

Business & Finance

Damen Dredging Equipment (DDE), the specialist in highly efficient dredging tools within the Damen Shipyards Group, has delivered and installed a new main engine for the stationary dredger “Rezoug Youcef”.

The cutter suction dredger, built by De Groot Nijkerk in 1988, has worked in an Algerian reservoir for quite a while and badly needed an engine overhaul.

The entire job has been successfully completed locally by a Damen Field Service Engineer and the crew.

As quite few alterations had been made on board in the meantime, a Damen Field Service Engineer inspected the dredger before the new main engine was ordered. This resulted in a plug and play installation with minimal down time.


The new main engine is a 895 kW Cummins, type KTA38. At the Damen Dredging yard, it had been prepared completely to simplify installation. The preparations included all connections for the fuel, the cooling and the exhaust connections, plus the delivery of the flexible coupling.

The new main engine, which is to drive the dredge pump and the hydraulics for the cutter head, has been installed on location in Algeria smoothly.