Two Large Deals for GLDD

Business & Finance

Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation has announced the receipt of an award for a $103 million contract for the construction of the National Resources Damage Assessment Caillou Lake Headlands project from the State of Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority.

The company is also the apparent successful bidder for the $28 million Chenier Ronquille Barrier Island Restoration Project.

The Caillou Lake project includes restoring the entire shoreline of the barrier island commonly known as Whiskey Island in Terrebonne Parish.

The work includes beach and dune restoration using material dredged from the offshore Ship Shoal borrow source, as well as restoring the marsh platform along the western half of the island.

Utilizing a hydraulic cutter suction dredge and booster stations, approximately 10 million cubic yards of seabed sand will be dredged and pumped 14 miles through a submerged slurry pipeline to create more than 900 acres of barrier island and marsh habitat.

Work on this project is expected to begin in 2016 and will be completed in 2017.

The Chenier Ronquille  project is contracted by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and requires restoration of the beach/dune and back barrier marsh platform of this barrier island in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana.

The project, which has yet to be formally awarded, will use approximately 2.7 million cubic yards of material dredged from an offshore Gulf of Mexico borrow source to restore nearly 390 acres of the barrier island and habitat.

Work on this project is expected to be performed in 2016.

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