Marsh Lake Restoration Project Receives Federal Funding

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has released its 2016 Work Plan, which includes $7.6 million in funding, the full cost of the project, for the Marsh Lake Ecosystem Restoration Project.

The Marsh Lake project, near Appleton, Minnesota, is among the projects that received federal funding. The project will receive the full funding of the project of $7.6 million dollars.

Marsh Lake is on the Minnesota River between Swift and Lac qui Parle counties near Ortonville, Minnesota.

The Marsh Lake project involves restoring the environment by improving the waterfowl habitat and the aquatic species in the area. The restoration plan includes rerouting the Pomme de Terre River to its historic channel, constructing a drawdown structure and a fish passage at the Marsh Lake Dam and breaching the abandoned fish pond at the dam.

At less than 5 percent of the average cost for a habitat restoration project of this size, this project is expected to provide significant return in environmental and habitat restoration benefits.

Now that the project has received funding, the next steps include completing the design of the project and awarding the construction contracts.

The Corps is working in partnership with the Upper Minnesota River Watershed District, as its non-federal sponsor, as well as other external stakeholders such as the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, to ensure the project’s success.

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