New Dredging on the River Parrett

Business & Finance

Following successful completion of 2.2km maintenance dredging project along the River Parrett, the Somerset Rivers Authority (SRA) has decided to continue the works with 750 meters of new dredging.

New dredging is due to begin in April of 750m of the Parrett downstream of Northmoor Pumping Station.

The work follows on 2.2km of maintenance dredging of the Parrett, done for the SRA by the Parrett Internal Drainage Board.

In its latest release, SRA announced that the drainage and investigation works will start soon in Combe Florey, after the successful completion of Minehead, Bicknoller, Washford, Sampford Brett, Wootton Courtenay and Holford schemes.

The contract for the new dredging downstream of Northmoor Pumping Station has been already awarded.

The Environment Agency awarded the contract for this works to Galliford Try, Black & Veatch and Land & Water, the companies who successfully completed 8km dredge of the Parrett and Tone back in 2014.

Work over the next few months will be done from floating platforms on the river, with a short section being completed from the bank.