USACE Invites Input on Saco River Maintenance Dredging

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, has released a 30-day public notice to announce its intention to perform maintenance dredging of the Saco River Federal Navigation Project.

The public notice is intended to provide information and seek comments about the Army Corp’s proposal and project plan.

The proposed work involves dredging approximately 150,000 cubic yards of sand from an area roughly 77 acres to restore the federal navigation project to authorized dimensions.

A pipeline cutterhead or a mechanical dredge will be used to remove all shoals from the lower reach of the Saco River FNP, the paper said.

This scheme is expected to take approximately two and a half to three and a half months to complete during fall and winter, once funding has been approved.

The cities of Biddeford and Saco are in the process of preparing a joint letter to request funding for maintenance dredging in the 2017/2017 work plan. The letter will be submitted to the Army Corp at the end of April.

A funding announcement is not expected until February 2017.

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