Preparations Underway for Channel Islands Harbor Dredging

Business & Finance
Image source: USACE
Image source: USACE

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, has just announced that the preparations for the Channel Islands Harbor dredging project are moving ahead.

Seattle-based Manson Construction, the contractor responsible for dredging of the sand trap at Channel Islands Harbor and replenishment of the sand at Hueneme Beach, will start mobilizing his equipment next week.

Actual dredging operations should start during the second or third week of December.

“The project requires a large and extensive mobilization and set-up due to the amount of pipeline that must be readied and physically placed to deliver the sand to Hueneme Beach,” the City of Port Hueneme said in its latest announcement.

The anticipated amount of sand to be placed on Hueneme Beach exceeds 2 million cubic yards.

The harbor was designed to trap sand to prevent loss to the submarine canyon off of Port Hueneme and to provide dredged material for beach replenishment for downcoast beaches.

An increase in dredging costs and demand for dredging maintenance nationwide has limited the amount of dredging accomplished at Channel Islands Harbor in recent years.

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