Busy 2016 for International Association of Dredging Companies

Business & Finance

The International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC), exclusively for Dredging Today, looks back at 2016 and forward to 2017.

IADC is the global umbrella organisation for contractors in the private dredging industry. As such IADC is dedicated to not only promoting the skills, integrity and reliability of its members, but also the dredging industry in general.

IADC has over one hundred main and associated members. Together they represent the forefront of the dredging industry.

This quick overview shows some of IADC’s achievements in 2016.

Facts About (easy-to-read leaflets)

Two new Facts About were published, namely:

  • Underwater Drilling & Blasting;
  • Adaptive Management.

The publications have been popular with a substantial number being downloaded. Download pdf  here.

Previously published leaflets have been translated. Trailing Suction Hoppers Dredgers into Spanish, French and Portuguese, and Cutter Suction Dredgers into French and Spanish.

Terra et Aqua (Journal)

This year articles were published on subjects such as: safety, the update of the FIDIC dredging contract, challenges in logistics: New Suez Canal Project, how clear communication benefits dredging projects, fair contract conditions and competition, sound levels in dredging and a Building with Nature project in Indonesia.

Ecosystem Services (Report of research by University of Antwerp)

The IADC published the results of a study to enable the design of more sustainable dredging and marine infrastructure works and their efficient and safe implementation and realization in environmentally sensitive areas.

The “Ecosystem services: Towards integrated marine infrastructure project assessment” study was carried out by the Ecosystem Management Research Group (ECOBE) of the University of Antwerp.

Download the report here.

Dredging in Figures (Publication)

Dredging Figures 2015, a review of the global dredging market focusing on the situation in 2015, was also published.


Successful Seminars on Dredging and Reclamation were held in Panama and The Netherlands. Over 60 participants attended.

The Seminar strives to provide an understanding of dredging through lectures by experts in the field and workshops in order to give the participants hands-on experience.

Young Author Award

This year’s IADC Young Author Award more than fulfilled its goal to recognize young people working in the fields of dredging and maritime research.

Awards were presented at:

  • IX PIANC-COPEDEC Congress, Lucas Silveira for his paper, “Integrated Method for the Development of Optimal Channel Dredging Project”;
  • WODCON XXI in Miami, François De Keuleneer for his paper “Luxeal – the easy to handle aquitard”.

The article can be downloaded here.

Safety Committee

IADC members have always been committed to reducing the number of industry accidents and incidents to zero.

The IADC safety committee has published two articles on safety in the Terra et Aqua.

The IADC Safety Award is intended to encourage the development of safety skills on the job and to reward people and companies demonstrating diligence in safety awareness in the performance of their profession.

The Award is not only open to all IADC members but also to any other companies active in the dredging industry.

DEME was named winner of the 2016 IADC Safety Award for the “enhanced muster station” initiative on board of jack-up vessel ‘Neptune’.

Social Media

This year the IADC intensified its activities on social media with daily updates.


In addition to the regular activities, IADC will also:

  • improve the  website further to include a new knowledge center containing easily accessible information;
  • publish – together with CEDA – an update of the Environmental Aspects of Dredging book at the CEDA Dredging Days;
  • organize webinars on safety, the Marine Insurance Act 2016 and the updated FIDIC Dredging Contract;
  • redesign the Terra et Aqua journal to make it even more attractive to a wider audience.

What else to expect?

Learn the basics of dredging during one of IADC 5-day seminars. Choose from Abu Dhabi (March 2017), Delft (June 2017) and Singapore (October 2017).